Welcome to Sanatan Harichandan Degree Mahavidyalaya |
Welcome to Sanatan Harichandan Degree Mahavidyalaya.college is Affliated to Utkal Unversity. situated in a green natural environment at Madanpur near GITA Engineering College within 1.5 kms. From Gohra Bus stop on N.H-5 in between Bhubaneswar and Khurda and 10 kms. From Baramunda Bus Standit is well connected by line buses upto Gohira chhak from Bhubaneswar to Khurda Town bus service is avilable from Kalpana Square, Via Baramunda and the college gate. The overall management of the college is vested with the State Government.
Principal's Message |
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
Mr Prafula kumar Das
Principal |
Library |
Library remains open from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. daily on all the working days except Sundays and notified holidays. The sole objective of his library is to serve its readers satisfactorily from difference angles of their approach. Till date this library possesses more than 16,000 books on difference subjects along with some useful reference books.
Administration |
Every student must obtain on admission, the Identity Card which must have his/her photograph attested and wear the identity card on person whenever he/she is on the college premises, and